#!/bin/bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. function usage() { echo " Usage: build_ngx_pagespeed.sh [options] Installs ngx_pagespeed and its dependencies. Can optionally build and install nginx as well. Can be run either as: bash <(curl -f -L -sS https://ngxpagespeed.com/install) [options] Or: git clone git@github.com:pagespeed/ngx_pagespeed.git cd ngx_pagespeed/ git checkout scripts/build_ngx_pagespeed.sh [options] Options: -v, --ngx-pagespeed-version What version of ngx_pagespeed to build. Valid options include: * latest-beta * latest-stable * a version number, such as If you don't specify a version, defaults to latest-stable unless --devel is specified, in which case it defaults to master. This option doesn't make sense if we're running within an existing ngx_pagespeed checkout. -n, --nginx-version What version of nginx to build. If not set, this script only prepares the ngx_pagespeed module, and expects you to handle including it when you build nginx. If you pass in 'latest' then this script scrapes the nginx download page and attempts to determine the latest version automatically. -m, --dynamic-module Build ngx_pagespeed as a dynamic module. -b, --builddir Where to build. Defaults to \$HOME. -p, --no-deps-check By default, this script checks for the packages it depends on and tries to install them. If you have installed dependencies from source or are on a non-deb non-rpm system, this won't work. In that case, install the dependencies yourself and pass --no-deps-check. -s, --psol-from-source Build PSOL from source instead of downloading a pre-built binary module. -l, --devel Sets up a development environment in ngx_pagespeed/nginx, building with testing-only dependencies. Includes --psol-from-source, conflicts with --nginx-version. Uses a 'git clone' checkout for ngx_pagespeed and nginx instead of downloading a tarball. -t, --build-type When building PSOL from source, what to tell it for BUILD_TYPE. Defaults to 'Release' unless --devel is set in which case it defaults to 'Debug'. -y, --assume-yes Assume the answer to all prompts is 'yes, please continue'. Intended for automated usage, such as buildbots. -a, --additional-nginx-configure-arguments When running ./configure for nginx, you may want to specify additional arguments, such as --with-http_ssl_module. By default this script will pause and prompt you for them, but this option lets you pass them in. For example, you might do: -a '--with-http_ssl_module --with-cc-opt=\"-I /usr/local/include\"' -d, --dryrun Don't make any changes to the system, just print what changes you would have made. -h, --help Print this message and exit." } RED=31 GREEN=32 YELLOW=33 function begin_color() { color="$1" echo -e -n "\e[${color}m" } function end_color() { echo -e -n "\e[0m" } function echo_color() { color="$1" shift begin_color "$color" echo "$@" end_color } function error() { local error_message="$@" echo_color "$RED" -n "Error: " >&2 echo "$@" >&2 } # Prints an error message and exits with an error code. function fail() { error "$@" # Normally I'd use $0 in "usage" here, but since most people will be running # this via curl, that wouldn't actually give something useful. echo >&2 echo "For usage information, run this script with --help" >&2 exit 1 } function status() { echo_color "$GREEN" "$@" } # Intended to be called as: # bash <(curl dl.google.com/.../build_ngx_pagespeed.sh) # If we set -e or -u then users of this script will see it silently exit on # failure. Instead we need to check the exit status of each command manually. # The run function handles exit-status checking for system-changing commands. # Additionally, this allows us to easily have a dryrun mode where we don't # actually make any changes. INITIAL_ENV=$(printenv | sort) function run() { if "$DRYRUN"; then echo_color "$YELLOW" -n "would run" echo " $@" env_differences=$(comm -13 <(echo "$INITIAL_ENV") <(printenv | sort)) if [ -n "$env_differences" ]; then echo " with the following additional environment variables:" echo "$env_differences" | sed 's/^/ /' fi else if ! "$@"; then error "Failure running '$@', exiting." exit 1 fi fi } function redhat_is_installed() { local package_name="$1" rpm -qa $package_name | grep -q . } function debian_is_installed() { local package_name="$1" dpkg -l $package_name | grep ^ii | grep -q . } function version_sort() { # We'd rather use sort -V, but that's not available on Centos 5. This works # for versions in the form A.B.C.D or shorter, which is enough for our use. sort -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 -g } # Compare two numeric versions in the form "A.B.C". Works with version numbers # having up to four components, since that's enough to handle both nginx (3) and # ngx_pagespeed (4). function version_older_than() { local test_version="$1" local compare_to="$2" local older_version=$(echo $@ | tr ' ' '\n' | version_sort | head -n 1) test "$older_version" != "$compare_to" } function determine_latest_nginx_version() { # Scrape nginx's download page to try to find the most recent nginx version. nginx_download_url="https://nginx.org/en/download.html" function report_error() { fail " Couldn't automatically determine the latest nginx version: failed to $@ $nginx_download_url" } nginx_download_page=$(curl -sS --fail "$nginx_download_url") || \ report_error "download" download_refs=$(echo "$nginx_download_page" | \ grep -o '/download/nginx-[0-9.]*[.]tar[.]gz') || \ report_error "parse" versions_available=$(echo "$download_refs" | \ sed -e 's~^/download/nginx-~~' -e 's~\.tar\.gz$~~') || \ report_error "extract versions from" latest_version=$(echo "$versions_available" | version_sort | tail -n 1) || \ report_error "determine latest version from" if version_older_than "$latest_version" "1.11.4"; then fail " Expected the latest version of nginx to be at least 1.11.4 but found $latest_version on $nginx_download_url" fi echo "$latest_version" } # Usage: # install_dependencies install_pkg_cmd is_pkg_installed_cmd dep1 dep2 ... # # install_pkg_cmd is a command to install a dependency # is_pkg_installed_cmd is a command that returns true if the dependency is # already installed # each dependency is a package name function install_dependencies() { local install_pkg_cmd="$1" local is_pkg_installed_cmd="$2" shift 2 local missing_dependencies="" for package_name in "$@"; do if ! $is_pkg_installed_cmd $package_name; then missing_dependencies+="$package_name " fi done if [ -n "$missing_dependencies" ]; then status "Detected that we're missing the following depencencies:" echo " $missing_dependencies" status "Installing them:" run sudo $install_pkg_cmd $missing_dependencies fi } function gcc_too_old() { # We need gcc >= 4.8 local gcc_major_version=$(gcc -dumpversion | awk -F. '{print $1}') if [ "$gcc_major_version" -lt 4 ]; then return 0 # too old elif [ "$gcc_major_version" -gt 4 ]; then return 1 # plenty new fi # It's gcc 4.x, check if x >= 8: local gcc_minor_version=$(gcc -dumpversion | awk -F. '{print $2}') test "$gcc_minor_version" -lt 8 } function continue_or_exit() { if "$ASSUME_YES"; then return fi local prompt="$1" echo_color "$YELLOW" -n "$prompt" read -p " [Y/n] " yn if [[ "$yn" == N* || "$yn" == n* ]]; then echo "Cancelled." exit 0 fi } # If a string is very simple we don't need to quote it. But we should quote # everything else to be safe. function needs_quoting() { echo "$@" | grep -q '[^a-zA-Z0-9./_=-]' } function escape_for_quotes() { echo "$@" | sed -e 's~\\~\\\\~g' -e "s~'~\\\\'~g" } function quote_arguments() { local argument_str="" for argument in "$@"; do if [ -n "$argument_str" ]; then argument_str+=" " fi if needs_quoting "$argument"; then argument="'$(escape_for_quotes "$argument")'" fi argument_str+="$argument" done echo "$argument_str" } function build_ngx_pagespeed() { getopt --test if [ "$?" != 4 ]; then # Even Centos 5 and Ubuntu 10 LTS have new-style getopt, so I don't expect # this to be hit in practice on systems that are actually able to run # PageSpeed. fail "Your version of getopt is too old. Exiting with no changes made." fi opts=$(getopt -o v:n:mb:pslt:ya:dh \ --longoptions ngx-pagespeed-version:,nginx-version:,dynamic-module \ --longoptions buildir:,no-deps-check,psol-from-source,devel,build-type: \ --longoptions assume-yes,additional-nginx-configure-arguments:,dryrun,help \ -n "$(basename "$0")" -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ]; then usage exit 1 fi eval set -- "$opts" NPS_VERSION="DEFAULT" NGINX_VERSION="" BUILDDIR="$HOME" DO_DEPS_CHECK=true PSOL_FROM_SOURCE=false DEVEL=false BUILD_TYPE="" ASSUME_YES=false DRYRUN=false DYNAMIC_MODULE=false while true; do case "$1" in -v | --ngx-pagespeed-version) shift NPS_VERSION="$1" shift ;; -n | --nginx-version) shift NGINX_VERSION="$1" shift ;; -m | --dynamic-module) shift DYNAMIC_MODULE=true ;; -b | --builddir) shift BUILDDIR="$1" shift ;; -p | --no-deps-check) shift DO_DEPS_CHECK=false ;; -s | --psol-from-source) shift PSOL_FROM_SOURCE=true ;; -l | --devel) shift DEVEL=true ;; -t | --build-type) shift BUILD_TYPE="$1" shift ;; -y | --assume-yes) shift ASSUME_YES="true" ;; -a | --additional-nginx-configure-arguments) shift ADDITIONAL_NGINX_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS="$1" shift ;; -d | --dryrun) shift DRYRUN="true" ;; -h | --help) shift usage exit 0 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Invalid argument: $1" usage exit 1 ;; esac done USE_GIT_CHECKOUT="$DEVEL" ALREADY_CHECKED_OUT=false if [ -e PSOL_BINARY_URL ]; then status "Detected that we're running in an existing ngx_pagespeed checkout." USE_GIT_CHECKOUT=true ALREADY_CHECKED_OUT=true fi if "$ALREADY_CHECKED_OUT"; then if [ "$NPS_VERSION" != "DEFAULT" ]; then fail \ "The --ngx-pagespeed-version argument doesn't make sense when running within an existing checkout." fi elif [ "$NPS_VERSION" = "DEFAULT" ]; then if "$DEVEL"; then NPS_VERSION="master" else NPS_VERSION="latest-stable" fi fi if [ ! -d "$BUILDDIR" ]; then fail "Told to build in $BUILDDIR, but that directory doesn't exist." fi BUILD_NGINX=false if [ -n "$NGINX_VERSION" ]; then BUILD_NGINX=true fi if "$DEVEL"; then PSOL_FROM_SOURCE=true BUILD_NGINX=true if [ -n "$NGINX_VERSION" ]; then fail \ "The --devel argument conflicts with --nginx. In devel mode we use the version of nginx that's included as a submodule." fi if "$DYNAMIC_MODULE"; then fail "Can't currently build a dynamic module in --devel mode." fi fi if "$PSOL_FROM_SOURCE" && [ -z "$BUILD_TYPE" ]; then if "$DEVEL"; then BUILD_TYPE="Debug" else BUILD_TYPE="Release" fi elif [ -n "$BUILD_TYPE" ]; then fail "Setting --build-type requires --psol-from-source or --devel." fi if [ "$NGINX_VERSION" = "latest" ]; then # When this function fails it prints the debugging information needed first # to stderr. NGINX_VERSION=$(determine_latest_nginx_version) || exit 1 fi if "$DYNAMIC_MODULE"; then # Check that ngx_pagespeed and nginx are recent enough to support dynamic # modules. Unfortunately NPS_VERSION might be a tag, in which case we don't # know. If it's not a numeric version number, then assume it's recent # enough and if it's not they'll get an ugly compilation error later. # Luckily was a while ago now. # # I'd like to use =~ here, but they changed syntax between v3 and v4 (quotes # moved from mandatory to optional to prohibited). if [[ "${NPS_VERSION#*[^0-9.]}" = "$NPS_VERSION" ]] && version_older_than "$NPS_VERSION" ""; then fail " You're trying to build ngx_pagespeed $NPS_VERSION as a dynamic module, but ngx_pagespeed didn't add support for dynamic modules until" fi if [ ! -z "NGINX_VERSION" ]; then if version_older_than "$NGINX_VERSION" "1.9.13"; then fail " You're trying to build nginx $NGINX_VERSION as a dynamic module but nginx didn't add support for dynamic modules in a way compatible with ngx_pagespeed until 1.9.13." fi fi fi if "$DRYRUN"; then TEMPDIR="/tmp/output-of-mktemp" else TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) function cleanup_tempdir { rm -rf "$TEMPDIR" } trap cleanup_tempdir EXIT fi extra_flags=() # Now make sure our dependencies are installed. if "$DO_DEPS_CHECK"; then INSTALL_FLAGS="" if "$ASSUME_YES"; then INSTALL_FLAGS="-y" fi if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then status "Detected debian-based distro." install_dependencies "apt-get install ${INSTALL_FLAGS}" debian_is_installed \ build-essential zlib1g-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev unzip wget uuid-dev if gcc_too_old; then if [ ! -e /usr/lib/gcc-mozilla/bin/gcc ]; then status "Detected that gcc is older than 4.8. Installing gcc-mozilla" status "which installs gcc-4.8 into /usr/lib/gcc-mozilla/ and doesn't" status "affect your global gcc installation." run sudo apt-get install ${INSTALL_FLAGS} gcc-mozilla fi extra_flags=("--with-cc=/usr/lib/gcc-mozilla/bin/gcc" \ "--with-ld-opt=-static-libstdc++") fi elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then status "Detected redhat-based distro." install_dependencies "yum install ${INSTALL_FLAGS}" redhat_is_installed \ gcc-c++ pcre-devel zlib-devel make unzip wget libuuid-devel if gcc_too_old; then if [ ! -e /opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/gcc ]; then redhat_major_version=$( cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -o -E '[0-9]+' | head -n 1) if [ "$redhat_major_version" == 5 ]; then slc_version=5 elif [ "$redhat_major_version" == 6 ]; then slc_version=6 else fail " Unexpected major version $redhat_major_version in /etc/redhat-release: $(cat /etc/redhat-release) Expected 5 or 6." fi status "Detected that gcc is older than 4.8. Scientific Linux" status "provides a gcc package that installs gcc-4.8 into /opt/ and" status "doesn't affect your global gcc installation." slc_key="https://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/scientific6/docs/repository/" slc_key+="cern/slc6X/i386/RPM-GPG-KEY-cern" slc_key_out="$TEMPDIR/RPM-GPG-KEY-cern" run sudo wget "$slc_key" -O "$slc_key_out" run sudo rpm --import "$slc_key_out" repo_fname="/etc/yum.repos.d/slc${slc_version}-devtoolset.repo" if [ -e "$repo_fname" ]; then fail "Expected $repo_fname not to exist; aborting." fi repo_url="https://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/scientific${slc_version}/" repo_url+="/docs/repository/cern/devtoolset/" repo_url+="slc${slc_version}-devtoolset.repo" run sudo wget -O "$repo_fname" "$repo_url" run sudo yum install ${INSTALL_FLAGS} devtoolset-2-gcc-c++ devtoolset-2-binutils fi extra_flags=("--with-cc=/opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root/usr/bin/gcc") fi else fail " This doesn't appear to be a deb-based distro or an rpm-based one. Not going to be able to install dependencies. Please install dependencies manually and rerun with --no-deps-check." fi status "Operating system dependencies are all set." else status "Not checking whether operating system dependencies are installed." fi function delete_if_already_exists() { if "$DRYRUN"; then return; fi local directory="$1" if [ -d "$directory" ]; then if [ ${#directory} -lt 8 ]; then fail " Not deleting $directory; name is suspiciously short. Something is wrong." fi continue_or_exit "OK to delete $directory?" run rm -rf "$directory" fi } # In general, the zip github builds for tag foo unzips to ngx_pagespeed-foo, # but it looks like they special case vVERSION tags to ngx_pagespeed-VERSION if [[ "$NPS_VERSION" =~ ^[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[.][0-9]*[.][0-9]*$ ]]; then # We've been given a numeric version number. This has an associated tag # in the form vVERSION-beta. tag_name="v${NPS_VERSION}-beta" nps_downloaded_fname="ngx_pagespeed-${NPS_VERSION}-beta" else # We've been given a tag name, like latest-beta. Download that directly. tag_name="$NPS_VERSION" nps_downloaded_fname="ngx_pagespeed-${NPS_VERSION}" fi install_dir="this-only-makes-sense-in-devel-mode" if "$USE_GIT_CHECKOUT"; then # We're either doing a --devel build, or someone is running us from an # existing git checkout. nps_module_dir="$PWD" install_dir="$nps_module_dir" if "$ALREADY_CHECKED_OUT"; then run cd "$nps_module_dir" else status "Checking out ngx_pagespeed..." run git clone "git@github.com:pagespeed/ngx_pagespeed.git" \ "$nps_module_dir" run cd "$nps_module_dir" run git checkout "$tag_name" fi submodules_dir="$nps_module_dir/testing-dependencies" if "$DEVEL"; then status "Downloading dependencies..." run git submodule update --init --recursive if [[ "$CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION" != true ]]; then status "Switching submodules over to git protocol." # This lets us push to github by public key. for config in $(find .git/ -name config) ; do run sed -i s~https://github.com/~git@github.com:~ $config ; done fi fi else nps_baseurl="https://github.com/apache/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/archive" nps_downloaded="$TEMPDIR/$nps_downloaded_fname.zip" status "Downloading ngx_pagespeed..." run wget "$nps_baseurl/$tag_name.zip" -O "$nps_downloaded" # Read the directory name from the zip, the first line is expected to have it. nps_module_dir=$(unzip -qql "$nps_downloaded" | head -n1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f5-) nps_module_dir="$BUILDDIR/${nps_module_dir::-1}" delete_if_already_exists "$nps_module_dir" status "Extracting ngx_pagespeed..." run unzip -q "$nps_downloaded" -d "$BUILDDIR" run cd "$nps_module_dir" fi MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR="" PSOL_BINARY="" if "$PSOL_FROM_SOURCE"; then MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR="$PWD/testing-dependencies/mod_pagespeed" git submodule update --init --recursive -- "$MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR" run pushd "$MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR" if "$DEVEL"; then if [ ! -d "$HOME/apache2" ]; then run install/build_development_apache.sh 2.2 prefork fi cd devel run make apache_debug_psol PSOL_BINARY="$MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR/out/$BUILD_TYPE/pagespeed_automatic.a" else if "$DO_DEPS_CHECK"; then skip_deps_arg="" else skip_deps_arg="--skip_deps" fi run install/build_psol.sh --skip_tests --skip_packaging "$skip_deps_arg" PSOL_BINARY="$MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR/pagespeed/automatic/pagespeed_automatic.a" fi run popd else # Now we need to figure out what precompiled version of PSOL to build # ngx_pagespeed against. if "$DRYRUN"; then psol_url="https://psol.example.com/cant-get-psol-version-in-dry-run.tar.gz" elif [ -e PSOL_BINARY_URL ]; then # Releases after there is a PSOL_BINARY_URL file that tells us # where to look. psol_url="$(scripts/format_binary_url.sh PSOL_BINARY_URL)" if [[ "$psol_url" != https://* ]]; then fail "Got bad psol binary location information: $psol_url" fi else # For past releases we have to grep it from the config file. The url has # always looked like this, and the config file has contained it since # before we started tagging our ngx_pagespeed releases. psol_url="$(grep -o \ "https://dl.google.com/dl/page-speed/psol/[0-9.]*.tar.gz" config)" if [ -z "$psol_url" ]; then fail "Couldn't find PSOL url in $PWD/config" fi fi status "Downloading PSOL binary..." run wget "$psol_url" status "Extracting PSOL..." run tar -xzf $(basename "$psol_url") # extracts to psol/ fi if "$DYNAMIC_MODULE"; then add_module="--add-dynamic-module=$nps_module_dir" else add_module="--add-module=$nps_module_dir" fi configure_args=("$add_module" "${extra_flags[@]}") if "$DEVEL"; then configure_args=("${configure_args[@]}" "--prefix=$install_dir/nginx" "--add-module=$submodules_dir/ngx_cache_purge" "--add-module=$submodules_dir/ngx_devel_kit" "--add-module=$submodules_dir/set-misc-nginx-module" "--add-module=$submodules_dir/headers-more-nginx-module" "--with-ipv6" "--with-http_v2_module") if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" = "Debug" ]; then configure_args=("${configure_args[@]}" "--with-debug") fi fi echo if ! "$BUILD_NGINX"; then # Just prepare the module for them to install. status "ngx_pagespeed is ready to be built against nginx." echo "When running ./configure:" if "$PSOL_FROM_SOURCE"; then echo " Set the following environment variables:" echo " MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR=$MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR" echo " PSOL_BINARY=$PSOL_BINARY" fi echo " Give ./configure the following arguments:" echo " $(quote_arguments "${configure_args[@]}")" echo if [ ${#extra_flags[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "If this is for integration with an already-built nginx, make sure" echo "to include any other arguments you originally passed to" echo "./configure. You can see these with 'nginx -V'." else echo "Note: because we need to set $(quote_arguments "${extra_flags[@]}")" echo "on this platform, if you want to integrate ngx_pagespeed with an" echo "already-built nginx you're going to need to rebuild your nginx with" echo "those flags set." fi else if "$DEVEL"; then # Use the nginx we loaded as a submodule nginx_dir="$submodules_dir/nginx" configure_location="auto" else # Download and build the specified nginx version. nginx_leaf="nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz" nginx_fname="$TEMPDIR/$nginx_leaf" status "Downloading nginx..." run wget "http://nginx.org/download/$nginx_leaf" -O "$nginx_fname" nginx_dir="$BUILDDIR/nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}/" delete_if_already_exists "$nginx_dir" status "Extracting nginx..." run tar -xzf "$nginx_fname" --directory "$BUILDDIR" configure_location="." fi run cd "$nginx_dir" configure=("$configure_location/configure" "${configure_args[@]}") additional_configure_args="" if [ -z "${ADDITIONAL_NGINX_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS+x}" ]; then if ! "$ASSUME_YES"; then echo "About to build nginx. Do you have any additional ./configure" echo "arguments you would like to set? For example, if you would like" echo "to build nginx with https support give --with-http_ssl_module" echo "If you don't have any, just press enter." read -p "> " additional_configure_args fi else additional_configure_args="$ADDITIONAL_NGINX_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS" fi if [ -n "$additional_configure_args" ]; then # Split additional_configure_args respecting any internal quotation. # Otherwise things like --with-cc-opt='-foo -bar' won't work. eval additional_configure_args=("$additional_configure_args") configure=("${configure[@]}" "${additional_configure_args[@]}") fi echo "About to configure nginx with:" echo " $(quote_arguments "${configure[@]}")" continue_or_exit "Does this look right?" MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR="$MOD_PAGESPEED_DIR" \ PSOL_BINARY="$PSOL_BINARY" \ run "${configure[@]}" if ! "$DEVEL"; then continue_or_exit "Build nginx?" fi run make if "$DEVEL"; then run make install status "Nginx installed with ngx_pagespeed, and set up for development." echo "To run tests:" echo " cd $nps_module_dir" echo " test/run_tests.sh" echo echo "To rebuild after changes:" echo " scripts/rebuild.sh" else continue_or_exit "Install nginx?" run sudo make install echo if "$DYNAMIC_MODULE"; then echo "Nginx installed with ngx_pagespeed support available as a" echo "loadable module." echo echo "To load the ngx_pagespeed module, you'll need to add:" echo " load_module \"modules/ngx_pagespeed.so\";" echo "at the top of your main nginx configuration file." else echo "Nginx installed with ngx_pagespeed support compiled-in." fi echo echo "If this is a new installation you probably need an init script to" echo "manage starting and stopping the nginx service. See:" echo " http://wiki.nginx.org/InitScripts" echo echo "You'll also need to configure ngx_pagespeed if you haven't yet:" echo " https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module/configuration" fi fi if "$DRYRUN"; then echo_color "$YELLOW" "[this was a dry run; your system is unchanged]" fi } # Start running things from a call at the end so if this script is executed # after a partial download it doesn't do anything. build_ngx_pagespeed "$@"